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Title: Should Bionormativity be a Concern in Gamete Donation?
Date: 4 August, 2023 (Friday)
Time: 12:45 – 1:45 pm
Venue: Rm A6-08, 6/F, William M W Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road
Mode: In-person
An important argument against removing donor anonymity is that such State mandated policies might validate bionormative attitudes about the importance of genetic relatedness in families. Bionormative attitudes can be unjustly disparaging and harmful to a wide range of families including donor-conceived, adopted, and single-parent families. However, studies show that the majority of donor-conceived individuals want donor anonymity to be removed. This paper explores the question of how to weigh these desires for knowing the donor— which may themselves be grounded in biased and bionormative assumption— against the competing concern that removing donor anonymity perpetuates attitudes that may be harmful.
Dr Olivia Schuman
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Louisville
Clinical Ethicist at Norton Healthcare
Dr Olivia Ngan
Research Assistant Professor
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit, SClinMed
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