LKS Medical Faculty MEHU
Virtual Gallery

Virtual Gallery

Virtual Gallery

Medical Humanities Virtual Gallery of Student Creative Presentations 2012-2022

Browse our virtual gallery of the best student creative presentations for Medical Humanities MBBS1 over last ten years at HKUMed! Navigate and view the selection of visual artworks, poems, short films, musical performances, and other creative endeavours in our virtual gallery. Read a written annotation for each creative presentation. Share your feedback and thoughts on your favourite works in the gallery’s interactive and public discussion forum.

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The MBBS1 Medical Humanities Creative Presentations are based upon group works that engage with one of the 5 themes explored in the Year 1 program:

  • Doctor & Patient Identities
  • History of Medicine
  • Living & Dying
  • Culture & Care
  • Social Justice/Humanitarianism

With around 50 artworks to browse and click, the Medical Humanities Virtual Gallery of Student Creative Presentations (2012-2022) includes deep reflections and creative expressions on the humanistic spirit of medicine, the ethics of clinical life, the emotion of sickness and health, this importance of social medicine, and many other inspiring and poignant topics. Join us in celebrating 10 years of the Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit at The LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, by enjoying the colourful expressions of our most creative student groups!

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