Podcast: On becoming a healer

In this podcast, which builds on Dr. Weiner’s book, On Becoming a Healer: The Journey from Patient Care to Caring about Your Patients (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020), two physicians, take a thoughtful, critical look at medical training and the culture of medicine.
Episodes cover topics such as ‘The “Difficult” Patient’, ‘Patient Abuse’ and one doctors experience of studying medicine with a learning disability. In the episode ‘Contextualising Care’, the presenters review evidence that suggests that understanding the context or background behind a patient leads to consultations that are a similar length but more effective when compared with consultations with a bio-medical emphasis. If you ever want to understand why family medicine doctors like to encourage you to ask ICE’s, this is the episode to listen to!
Dr Nicolette Ray.
Lecturer. Medical Ethics and Humanities. Family Medicine and Primary Care. HKUMed.