Well done to Rebecca Zhou and Florence Poon for creating this beautiful animation, accompanied by their own music composition and poetry. Their work was shortlisted …
Well done to Rebecca Zhou and Florence Poon for creating this beautiful animation, accompanied by their own music composition and poetry. Their work was shortlisted …
Congratulations to Jimmy Wong, Alicia Liu, Anson Chan, Henry Leung and Ryan So for making it onto the shortlist for the MEHU1 creative work presentation. …
Congratulations to Audrey, Wingy and Timmy for winning the ‘Audience Award’ in the MEHU creative work presentation, with their wonderful a cappella singing. To listen …
Congratulations to Noreen Chui for having her work shortlisted for the MBBS1 MEHU creative work presentation. Noreen explains her work below…. My project is titled The …
Congratulations to Vicky Lee, who won the ‘Judges award’ for her work ‘The Book of the Living’ in the MBBS1 Medical Humanities Creative presentation. She …
One of the situations I encountered in a surgical outpatient clinic impacted me deeply. The patient was an 89-year-old gentleman diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma. The …
Confess tonight Out of curiosity, I drew a dot on the sofa, which Mom said was worth $20,000. I just wanted to test if it …
Autumn Reminiscence Brittle leaves rattle across the barren path. Semester ends, I leave for boarding school. My best friend gleams at my present, unbeknownst it’s …
Miss Popular. Someone whispered “she’s dirty”. My nose disagreed, But my brain believed. The game of “who’s group gets her” began The class went silent …
The practice of medicine often pits public interest against the needs and sensitivities of the individual.